The FUCKING dark forest that makes poeple FUCKING dissapear because its FUCKING dark thats why its the FUCKING dark forest wich as i said makes FUCKING poeple FUCKING dissapear

one day i FUCKING woke up to a FUCKING police siren so i looked out the FUCKING window because i was FUCKING curiousas FUCKING hell, i look out the FUCKING window and see the FUCKING police talking to a FUCKING lady that looked FUCKING distressed. i got out of my FUCKING house and knocked on the FUCKING door of the FUCKING lady and asked why she is distressed and she FUCKING said "my FUCKING child FUCKING disapeared in the FUCKING infamous dark FUCKING forest..." that FUCKING fueled my FUCKING curiosity, i planned to FUCKING explore the dark FUCKING forest. when it was FUCKING midnight i got out of my FUCKING bed and geared up to go to the FUCKING dark FUCKING forest...
the FUCKING dark forest was just FUCKING ahead of me, i began to FUCKING hesitate, but i was FUCKING filled with FUCKING DETERMINATION. when i FUCKING entered the forest it was pitch FUCKING black, now i know why the FUCKING call it the dark FUCKING forest... thankFUCKINGfuly i had a FUCKING flashlight, when i turned on the FUCKING flashlight i was FUCKING terrified, there were FUCKING dead bodies everyFUCKINGwhere... guts and and blood FUCKING everywhere so i was FUCKING immobile. after 5 FUCKING seconds i quickly FUCKING turned around to FUCKING run away but i was FUCKING blocked by a FUCKING creature that was not very FUCKING tall but it was very FUCKING spooky, i instantly had a FUCKING heart attack and FUCKING died and FUCKING became skurleton and FUCKING wrote this